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3/32 " Tungsten Carbide and Ceramic Thrust Set (14)

3/32 " Tungsten Carbide and Ceramic Thrust Set (14)

Product Code:SCH1084
Availability:Out Of Stock
Price: $21.00
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This is a combination set including 14 pcs 3/32" Tungsten Carbide High Precision Balls and our Ceramic Caged Thrust Bearing for Associated/TLR.

Schelle 3/32" Tungsten Carbide High Precision Balls are the perfect upgrade for the ball differential in your Associated or TLR vehicle.   These are the highest precision possible, with each ball measuring the same diameter at all points within 10 / 1,000,000 ths of an inch.   This precision give you the smooth feeling diff like a cermic diff ball, but with the perfect hardness and ease of setting that comes with a Tungsten Carbide diff ball.

The Schelle Ceramic Caged Thrust Bearing for AE and TLR gives the diff maximum smoothness and is easy to build.  The 6 caged ceramic balls run on a hardened, grooved ring to keep the diff smooth longer than anything else we've found.

Fits the following vehicles:  B6.2 series (all), B6, B5, B5M, TLR 22 2.0, TLR 22T, TLR 22 SCT

Each package contains 14 pcs 3/32" Tungsten Carbide High Precision Balls and 1 Ceramic Caged Thrust Bearing inside of a mini snap container.

Pro Tip:  If you encounter an issue with the diff screw bottoming before the diff is tight, add a flat kit thrust washer over the diff screw (closest to the screw head) to act as a spacer.   In some instances the shoulder on the diff screw can bottom out due to the smaller thickness of a caged thrust.


Pro Tip:  The 2 thrust rings are made with different inner diameters, keep them matched in pairs. The smaller diameter washer keeps the thrust centered on the diff screw, while the larger diameter hole allows for smoother diff action without the thrust dragging on the diff screw.   Typically you should install the smaller ID washer on the screw head side but we've run them both ways without failure.